Friday, April 1, 2011

Razor gives Tide & Boar its new look

In the former Kramer location is an all new restaurant opening today. It's called the Tide & Boar Gastropub and anyone who had a chance to eat there before they under went renovations know that I'm not exaggerating when I say the food is amazing. For those not familiar with the term "gastropub", it refers to a bar and restaurant that serves high-end beer and food. And boy do they ever!

We worked with C2 to design a number of things, not the least of which is their logo:

Can't wait to see what everything looks like inside (and out) and am eagerly awaiting the chance to eat there once again.

Congrats Chad and Matt and good luck during your opening weekend.


Unknown said...

Nice work guys. Classic and elegant. Sets up the right expectation in my mind.

Unknown said...

Good job. Looking forward to trying this place out.

Matt Pennell said...

Thanks everyone! Everybody from Razor and C2 really had a huge part in making this happen.